The e-Filing System for Chemical Weapon Convention (CWC) Declaration is a web based application software (http://cwc.nacwc.nic.in) developed by Cabinet Secretariat, National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention, Government of India to meet the following objective:

  • Facilitate the Indian chemical industry users to online file their CWC declarations.
  • Timely capturing of data
  • Accurate reporting
  • Ease of management of the data reported by various Plant Sites
  • Standardization of the various codes across the country at all Plant Sites for uniform reporting.
  • Eliminate human errors in data handling at the level of Plant Sites as well as at the Department level
  • Strengthen analysis

Who are the users of the system?

The system is to be used by Indian chemical industry users who are engaged in production, consumption, processing, export and import of those chemicals which may potentially be used for making Chemical Weapons. These chemicals are categorized as Schedule-2 and Schedule-3 chemicals. The scheduled chemicals are mainly organic Phosphorus, Sulphur, Chlorine, Fluorine or Amine compounds.

Chemical industries involved are required to submit annual declarations and may be subjected to routine inspections, which should not disrupt their operations.

There are two main categories of users:

  • Those chemical industry users who have not yet filed the CWC declaration with the department (New Users)
  • Those chemical industry users who have been filing the CWC declarations as hard copy with the department and already been allocated a Plant Site Code by the department (Existing Users).

What are pre-requisites for using the System?

Users must have a computer with internet connection to use this system using internet browser such as Internet Explorer.

How it is expected to benefit the users?

Users will be asked to fill in the data in customized Web Forms designed separately for information related to Plant Site, Chemicals and Plants. All CWC declaration Forms will be generated by the system using these Web Forms and Sign-In details. These would online be submitted to the department.

Users would receive email notifications from the department at each of the completed action.


For New Users:

For existing users:

Contact information:

National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention
First Floor,Chanayka Bhawan
Chanakya Puri, New Delhi – 110021
Tel: 011-24675763,24675465,24675524 Fax:011-24675767

Email: efilehelp[dot]nacwc[at]nic[dot]in